Rendering snapshots

LC.renderSnapshotToImage(snapshot, options)

New in version 0.4.9.

Render the snapshot to a canvas. To turn the result into an image URL, call toDataURL() on the result.



A dict {x, y, width, height} specifying which part of the image to draw, in drawing coordinates (before scaling). Defaults to the bounding box of all shapes. If you don’t specify a rect and there are no shapes in the drawing, getImage() will return undefined.


A dict {top, right, bottom, left} defaulting to null. If the image’s bounds are determined by the shapes’ bounding rect (i.e. rect is not given), this dict determines the amount of space on each side.


Amount by which to scale the image output. Shapes will be rendered at full resolution. Defaults to 1.


Image to render in the center behind everything, unaffected by erasers.


Scale of the watermark.

LC.renderSnapshotToSVG(snapshot, options)

New in version 0.4.9.

Render the snapshot to an SVG string that can be inserted into the DOM or downloaded.


SVG export does not currently support watermarks, scale, or eraser shapes.



A dict {x, y, width, height} specifying which part of the image to draw, in drawing coordinates (before scaling). Defaults to the bounding box of all shapes. If you don’t specify a rect and there are no shapes in the drawing, getImage() will return undefined.


A dict {top, right, bottom, left} defaulting to null. If the image’s bounds are determined by the shapes’ bounding rect (i.e. rect is not given), this dict determines the amount of space on each side.